
What is this blog about?
Like many blogs before mine, this blog follows the time-honored tradition of being a collection of musings and links to other things I've read. More specifically, I would like to focus on how things work, how people interact or make decisions and the like.

(Photo: Wikimedia)

Are you planning on adding advertising? (Added 2010-02-24)
No plans yet. Although support for The Metaist comes from my participation in Amazon's Associates Program which pays me a small (4-7%) referral fee for referring clicks to Amazon.

How frequently will you post?
Sporadically and inconsistently; possibly neither.

I thought you would never have a blog?
Technically, I never said that. I just never had a blog until now.

Why should I read this blog?
Perhaps you shouldn't, but if you do, you might enjoy the random things you learn.
